Diversity Policy


The Board of Directors of (“the Board”) of Pegasus Heights Berhad (“the Company”) has adopted this Diversity Policy (“the Policy”) which is intended for the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “the Group”). 

The Policy sets out to promote diversity for the Board and workforce of the Group. Diversity in this context refers to age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, cultural background, religious belief and social-economic status. Diversity also encompasses the way people differ in terms of education, life experience, job function, work experience, personality, location, marital status and career responsibilities. 

This Policy is firmly aligned with the achievement of the Company’s business objectives, values and principles. 


The Company is committed to manage diversity, which may result from a range of factors including age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, cultural background or other personal factors, as a means of enhancing the Company’s performance by recognising and utilising contribution of diverse skills and talents from its directors, officers and employees. 


Building a diverse and inclusive culture is essential to the Group’s success to enable the Company respond to Malaysia’s diverse customer base. A truly diversified Board can enhance the effectiveness, creativity and capacity of the Board and Group. 

The Company’s strategic intent for boardroom diversity is the attraction, retention and development of a diverse team of skilled people who are increasingly engaged towards the delivery of the Company’s strategies as set out in this Policy.

i) Board of Directors 
  • identifying potential candidates and balancing the mix of skills, expertise and industry experience, gender, age, ethnicity and backgrounds of Directors in the recruitment and selection process;
  • Retaining Directors based on merit, in the context of skills, time commitments and experience, in order for the effective functioning of the Board;
  • The Nomination Committee has to consider the following responsibilities:
    – To take into consideration the benefits from boardroom diversity and to appoint candidates based on merit and without prejudice, when reviewing the Board’s composition;
    – To consider the balance of skills, experience, independence, knowledge and the diversity of representation on the Board, as part of the annual performance evaluation on the effectiveness of the Board, Board Committees and individual Directors;
    – To implement this Policy and to monitor progress towards the achievement of these objectives; and
    – Upon identifying the appropriate candidate to be appointed as director or board member, the Nomination Committee will make its recommendations to the Board for approval. 
ii) Officers and Employees 

In line with promoting diversity in the workplace, the Board has established the following procedures: 

  1. All persons, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, cultural background or other personal factors, with appropriate experience and qualifications will be considered equally when recruiting new staff.
  2. There will be no preference given to male applicants for a position and will ensure that any women with appropriate experience and qualifications are considered equally in the recruitment and selection process.
  3. The settings of the remuneration levels of the officers and employees regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, cultural background or other personal factors without bias.
  4. All decisions associated with career advancement, including promotions, transfers, and other assignments, will have to meet the Company’s needs and be determined based on skills and merit regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, cultural background or other personal factors. 
iii) Training 

All internal and external training opportunities will be based on needs regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, cultural background or other personal factors.

iv) Workplace Diversity Principles 

The Company is committed to workplace diversity ensuring that we value and respect our differences and that our workplace is fair, accessible, flexible and inclusive and free from discrimination. 

Promoting workplace diversity is everyone’s responsibility and includes: 

  • practising and promoting behaviour consistent with the Company’s Code of Conduct; 
  • respecting different ways of thinking and using our employees’ different perspectives to improve business outcomes; 
  • treat each other with respect and dignity; 
  • provide a safe, secure and healthy workplace; 
  • make decisions genuinely based on equity and fairness; 
  • value the diversity of people; and 
  • take appropriate action to eliminate discrimination. 


The Board shall review and assess the effectiveness of the Policy on an annually basis to ensure that the objectives of relevant legislations were met and remain effective for the Group. Any changes to this Policy shall be deliberated and approved by the Board of Directors. 


Disclosure of the diversity of the board composition and workforce will be made in the Company’s Annual Report. The Annual Report will include a summary of this Policy.